My point of view
Eventful day. Woke up at around 10am to go Ocean Park
Thought the bus ride there would be long
But who knows..It's damn fast this time
Had a few rides here and there in Ocean Park
The Mine Train,which is a rollercoaster,really killed me seh
I rode once and i dont feel well le.
The previous time i went it was under maintanence
ho knows is so scary.. Derek and Joshua went for second ride though
Went for Ferris Wheel,Flying Swing and more!
As for the Crazy Gallaon(viking),my younger brother insisted to go for a ride
So Joshua,Derek and me sat in the middle with him though
Hoping it wouldnt be so scary for him
So he wouldnt cry
And as expected once again,the start of the ride
He starts to have a change in his expression
From a smile to a frown And he started to cry
I was like super panicky
Dont know what should i do
Just shut his eyes and ears,holding him tight,hoping the ride will end soon
We had much fun there. Viewed some underwater creatures,sat Cable Car,went for some 360degree ride which made all of us giddy
Got on the rides and Derek and me wanted to scream...
But we do not want to scream like girls
So we keep shouting "Lim Ying!Jenna!.."
Got Joshua really HAPPY..if you know what i mean
We also got on the Raging River which got us soaked,made worse by this chilling temperature We all went numb..
Just too many events to say all out here
Pictures will show everything!
After the Ocean Park trip,we were like starving like mad
Cause we skipped our breakfast and lunch just for that park so i ate 3 servings of meal for dinner at Yoshinoya
Freaking full
Then headed to my grandfather's house for some soup
Joshua and Derek are dead!
Joshua went to use the chop to chop my face when i wasnt unaware
Derek went to frame me by trying to conjure up some stories about my relationships stuff to my Mom..
They both gang on me la.
Even my Mom
Waaa..Bad day. I'm gonna do something NASTY to them tomorrow morning!
Derek's point of view
Well There's no point stating facts or what we did today since chun kit said it all.
But Hell yeah the rides were satisfying.
I had the humji-attitude, at the start but in the end it was much more of extreme excitement than scary rides.
Joshua and I were going all the way but pocky-stick-boy(chun kit) backed out for a second round on the MINE train. It would have been so cool if he joined us. Anyway, Joshua's like super funny keep asking whitebones's lil bro to try out all the rides. But after seeing his reaction on the rocking boat, it was kinda if crazy if he did listen to Joshua haha.
Well actually the rides in Ocean Park are more or less similar to those typical ones at escape themepark, but maybe a little bigger. I guess its hell exciting for me since my last thrill ride was like dunno how many years ago. We were like WOOOOOOH even when there was no excitement yet wahaha..
Anyway at night just about before leaving ocean park was the real cool thing... the fishies in the ocean tank was like real cool! The sting rays were huge!!! and there was a shark and fat fat cheeks fish! First time i saw a really really old fish too. It looked so sad... flap fin so slow.. sinking..
Most importantly, we'll get Chun Kit =)) ... Oh Yes We Will... =))
Joshua's point of view
Note(from derek): Wth Joshua =.=
A spastic video we made.
We didnt really do the complete video successfully after 30plus tries
This is the best one...LOL
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