We woke up. But, it was a very, difficult, process. That squeezy bed was somehow still comfortable to keep three of us on it for such a long time as this.
Breakfast was at a spaghetti (however you wanna spell it) restaurant! shiok man.
Then finally, the best thing ever...The Peak Tram! Hong Kong is very proud of this train of Hers that can bring more than a hundred people up to a high high mountain where there is a shopping mall with overpriced stuff, a garden, very beautiful scenery, and very importantly, a huge playground. woohoo!
Even before we took the train there were many very cool, tall buildings to admire. And then finally the tram came and everybody chionged up and it was going so steep and high like a roller coaster, and derek's scared of heights and was........(just try to imagine what he was doing. coz he forbids me to jot it down)
We reached the top and we walked around the mall and found everything over-overpriced. VERY very magnificient, beautiful, breathtaking (every positive adjective you can think of, just fill it in) SCENERY.
We saw in the map, "playground" so Derek obviously was very very ! excited! and wanted to quickly get there! But sad to say, the playground did not seem to sastisfy Derek's burning passion. It was "what!? so small!?"
anyway, we played catching and everyone was gasping for air especially Whitebones (chunkit), who was almost fainting and turning whiter and whiter because "there's too little oxygen up here!".
(Kit:Joshua's crapping!)
we continued our journey climbing upwards and we met a supposedly a famous actor and actress filming a show. Cool?
We walked into a very ULU path suggested as an "ADVENTURE" by DEREK, and, we got lost. wrong deirection. But it was actually very rewarding coz we saw very very ultra cool scenery and tens of eagles soaring just above our heads.
Nightfall, and we're at the SKY TERRACE (the highest point in THE PEAK) . Extremely crowded, cold, windy, and crazily jaw-dropping scenery.
The end.
That's the end of our Day 5...
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