Started off by Yum-Cha-ing with my paternal grandparents
Wasnt really clear at that moment
Entered the wrong train
Derek also blur blur followed me..
In the end we were separated from Joshua and my Mom and brother...
I knew it will never be mundane for every meal
Just a few minutes after we settle down on the table
Joshua spilled his tea twice
The tea soaked the table cloth to Derek's side beside Joshua
And across Derek to my side
In the end i have a wet table to eat on-_-
As for Derek,
he lost his fishball while trying to eat it.
He was like:Where's my fishball?
He just couldnt stop making people laugh
Nothing much really happened on that day
Cause we were quite tired after the Ocean Park
Didnt really want to do much thing
Had dinner with my maternal grandparents
Went to this restaurant called KA HO Restaurant
Derek was like:Whoo see this!
Haha..I get what he means
Basically,we had this steamboat buffet
Derek was like:Waa so good ah..Anyhow order la
Then he chose this Fried fried fish skin
Is damn alot and super awful..
In the end he had to eat everything by himself cause there'll be a fine if there's certain amount of food left.
He got so sick of it
So he started to mimick Mr Bean
He tried to stuff the fish inside the can
What a joke of the day..
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