Woah today i woke up at 4.30pm.Zzz..There goes my day.Yesterday reached home like around 11 plus then went to make this blogskin.Took me quite a moment to complete.With addition,i didnt sleep well for the past two nights,so is kind of not surprising i sleep until so late.Well, there's nothing to post about today.So i will start with yesterday.
Yesterday i stayed overnight at Wei Bin's house.We played runescape to around like....4.30am?lol then we laid on the bed to talk.We talk until we fell asleep.Woke up like around 9 plus to go soccer.Yuxun was in WeiBin's house too.I got off my bed then to realise that i didnt bring my toothbrush to his house.So throughout the day,i didnt brush my teeth,it feels kind of uncomfortable-_-
It was raining at that moment.So after meeting ZI jie,Matthew,Ben and Cher Yong,we all took a shelter at Wei Bin's house first to wait for the rain to stop.The soccer was not quite enjoying as before cause the ground was damn wet plus i am too sleepy to play.
After the soccer,Ben and Zi jie went home.Matthew, Cher Yong, Yuxun and me went to Wei Bin's house to have a break and also some fun watching some funny commercial clips in the Youtube.Matthew and Yuxun didnt really stay there long.They left first after that and only left me and cheryong in WeiBin's house.I left at around like 3.30pm to meet Meishan,who is my primary school friend,at Macdonald opposite St.hilda's Primary School to take the electronic dictionary from her.She helped me to borrow one from her friend.I think i really needed it for O level after searching 15minutes for the words i dont know in Prelim.It is such a waste of time.Thanks to her for helping me find=)When i am on the bus back to Tampines interchange, I saw another primary school friend!He is Tay Han Wen if not wrong.Chat a while until we reached the interchange.He changed really a lot seh.
It was around 4plus at that time already and i wa on my way to drum lesson.I took the Mrt and i overslept till Eunos,when i am supposed to stop at Bedok.It is really kind of understandable how tired i was.Before i go for the lesson,i finally stop by at a food court to have my lunch.It was like around 4.45pm la.I was starving like mad.
The drum lesson was okay and as usual,i seemed to be tone deaf-_-Weak in music sia.After lesson,i took bus back to Wei Bin's house,but Wei Bin and Cher yong was not at home.They were at tampines mall buying present for Leeying.So,i was alone at his house with his mother.And she talked to me.....
At around like 7.45pm,we packed our stuff and prepare to leave for Leeying's birthday celebration at Simei restaurant.Forgot the name of it.Some Me.....Place.No one was there when we reached.So we went to buy Bubble Tea first.And i wanted something new and special!I order milk tea...but is Black Sesame Milk Tea this time.The first mouth of it is nice,but subsequently,each mouth tasted disgusting.So i threw away in the end without finishing. Not long later, Leeying came,with a whole gang of people!Woah is like around 50plus people went for the celebration.The dinner was okay,just felt a bit left out cause too many people.But overall it is okay,except for the rice.I ordered black pepper beef rice.The beef is okay but not the pepper sauce!It was so saturated with pepper that in the end,i didnt finish it-_-So i went for the soup and the apple,which i took a while to chisel it with my teeth in order to eat it with the hinderance of my braces.
After the dinner, We went to some dark and somehow more ulu place under the Mrt track,cause the dark Nicholas David Sebastian had a song or two to dedicated to Leeying.It was like a concert at that time.Nicholas sitting at the front,40 plus people sitting around him in the middle of the pathway,girls in front and guys behind.He played total of like 3 to 4 songs?And one of his song was he composed by himself!I was so astounded when i heard the fact cause it is super nice la.Freaking hell.Valentino told me this is the power of Love.He said Nicholas took a long time to compose this song for Leeying.Oh seh liao=)In the end,nicholas performed a few songs,which i all dont know.Dont listen alot of English songs.haha but i like his composed song.Leeying should be touched.Haha
This was a brief detail of what happened during yesterday's celebration la.But her birthday is on monday.The celebration was only in advance.So...Happy Birthday Leeying in advance too!
Some pictures taken....

This is the puzzle we bought for Leeying

Another view of it

WeiBin's desk!

This bed is as comfortable as Hotel's bed

Lol..A view of his room

A lousy picture taken by my lousy phone
The mini Nicholas David Sebastian's concert
You can roughly see Nicholas and his guitar there=)
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