Today's school as usual!Was kinda happy cause my English got C5 and my Chinese got A2.So surprised.But the english teachers were quite lenient this time and chinese paper was easy.So shouldnt be so happy yet.
So overall L1R5 is 17!
Improvement for me=)
I want to apologise to Jemimah Wei cause i forgot about her birthday and didnt get her anything.I really have not much money left le,so present maybe will give her next month.Happy Belated Birthday though=)As least she has a present from her friend,Bel?

There!The giraffe on Derek's head.Seems like Derek likes it too.
While we are now working hard towards O level,the world is currently worried about one thing.
The Large Hadron Collider.Some people feel that it may bring the world to an end,while others including top scientists feels that nothing serious will happen.Nobody really knows what will happen i guess.We are experiencing another fear of the world coming to an end.
Why do i say "another"?
Because the world had already experienced the fear before.
The man who caused many to live in terror.

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