Didnt post yesterday cause i slept at 7pm,and woke up next morning to go school.I only slept like around like 1 hour plus the previous night,that's why i was so tired.AND I WASTED MY WHOLE AFTERNOON PLAYING RISK...regret.
Today i got back my several results again.I have got my Chemistry,Geography back.But overall,i know almost all my results le.
English--I got like 26/50 for comprehension.Should be 23,which is a fail,but i added 3 marks in total.So overall,i got 9 for passage,17 for summary.I did well for summary when most people did badly in.But teachers are lenient this time,i didnt even change a single word they gave me 3 mark for own words.make no senseeeee..For composition,teacher hasnt give back.
Chinese--I still only got my comprehension only,which is like 42/70,but i heard maybe can use O level chinese result for prelim.So hope it will be a 3!
Chemistry--Didnt really do well.22/40 for MCQ and 47/80 for Paper 2.I managed to find and most probably can get 2.5 more marks for paper 2.So i need 0.5 more marks to pull my grade to a B4.I havent approach the teacher yet.So pray hard i can obtain a B4.
Biology--For biology,as mentioned,got 96.5/120 for the whole paper.Just have to maintain this standard till O level.
Geography--AHHHH..This sucks.The whole class got so well,so many A1s and i screwed it up.Got 31/50 for physical geography and 27 for human geography.But i managed to find 1.5 mark for physical and 0.5mark for human,so total i got 60/100,a B4=(
Elective History--Did relatively well this time.36/50.Stunned
Social Study--Erm..Bad.30/50.So total combine humanities i got a B3.
Emaths--A2=) not well done though.58/80 for paper 1 and 68/100 for paper 2.
Amaths--Hehe.This is the only 1 i failed. 31/80 for paper 1 and 60/100 for paper 2.Whole conhort did badly though.Counting it by making both 100% then multiply by 50% then add both answer together,i got 49.375/100!I need a freaking 1 mark to pass from D7 to C6.And i found a mark deducted in my paper,due to me drawing the dividing line too short.WHAT NONSENSE!ahhh..i am gonna chiong for my one mark to pass.I dont want to fail any.
So overall result
English-C6(for the moment)
Chinese-B3(if can take O level)
Chemistry-C5(for the moment)
Combine Humanities-B3
Amaths-D7(for the moment)
Many people obtain like 15 and below.So my results this time is very bad.Haix.Must work harder for O level.
Okay.Lets talk about today
Today after school,We went to the Air-con hall for some VJC talk.Is basically a waste of my time.How the hell would i get into VJC?One English C6 already,and their cut-off point is like 6?-_-
After the talk,a humourous talk conducted by Mr Yeow about joining Alumini association
,is great i find.Imagine like 20 years later and meeting up your old classmates that went through O level examination with you.Is quite cool.I planning to join it,but it costs 20bucks,ripping a hole in my wallet la.I gonna no money le after buying Leeying's present.Sian
After the whole thing ended,I went to play soccer at Safra against Secondary 3s.The whole game was exciting la.In the first half,the secondary 3s were leading like 3-0,then damn cool own goal took place.Their goalkeeper miskick and kicked into his own goal.So became 3-1.During the first half i knocked into Chin Ming while trying to save the ball,a collision which lead to me njurying my shoulder and sprained my neck a bit-_-
Second half,we consecutively scored 4 scores.And i made a lucky tyco save.So the score became 5-3 and we won the game.Played penalty shootouts a while and then off to dinner at Block 201 Macdonalds with WeiBin,Zi Jie,Ben,Matthew,Cher Yong,and Jing Lu.
So that's end of today!Wanted to go fishing with Yi Yang tomorrow.But thought of my revision,i rejected and also...is cruel..lol.Can feel the fish's pain.
Off to do some revision...
Anyway some photos to see how Yi Yang and Young Yee abused my Pooh.Coped from Yi Yang's Blog. Some mild sexual content involved.....

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